Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sewing Desk Makeover

Around this time last year, I was busy scouring the vintage shops in town to find a little desk to makeover for my boyfriend. He was out of town and I wanted to finish it before he got back. I am pretty slow with finishing most projects, so I knew it would be a challenge. 

At the third or fourth store I went to, I found the perfect sized desk. I saw that it had a split in the top where it could open up, so I instantly identified it as an old sewing cabinet. Here it is sitting in the store:

I know the owner of the store I was visiting, so we talked about the "desk" for a minute. She agreed that she would remove the old sewing machine inside and give me a discount. I bought it for under $30. Here it is sitting in its new home (the old house):

I opened up the top to see what I had to work with, and I promptly decided that the top should be left closed.

If you're really extra super observant, you'll notice that the yellow chair below is now painted coral/salmon and is hanging out in the new condo. 

My first stop was Home Depot for a few $3 paint samples. I grabbed Martha Stewart's Sharkey Gray and Cornbread Yellow.  

And of course (no surprise here) I visited Anthropologie where I picked up a beautiful knob! (I couldn't find it on the website because that was nearly a year ago.) Next, I brought the solid wood "desk" outside (that thing is heavy) and set it out on the patio to be painted. 

My first task was to true everything up with a screwdriver because the desk was a bit lopsided. Then I painted the entire desk Sharkey Gray and the little drawer Cornbread. Then I affixed the knob. Under $40 later and here's the new desk, happily drying out on the patio:

I think my boyfriend was surprised when he drove up. Mission accomplished!


  1. I had a sewing machine table much like this one once upon a time. I wonder if you could somehow make it so the gap for the sewing machine was covered up so the table could be opened and used in its expanded size?? It looks cute! I can't wait to see the new place...maybe this weekend? I've been swamped ...

  2. It's actually been modified again. I'm going to post the 2nd makeover next week.
