Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Stuff. Is. Everywhere.

On Saturday the window installers are arriving to replace three out of our six windows. This is actually a bigger deal than three out of six because based on the size of the windows it's more like five out of seven being replaced. That's 71% of our windows being replaced compared to the 'technical' 50%, based on the number of window openings!

We have two huge windows that are made up of three smaller windows, three largish-single windows, and one very small bathroom window, like this:

So we are having the bathroom window and the two large windows replaced. The other three windows are located in the bedroom (one out of three) and dining room/kitchen (two out of three).

I'm hoping that the new windows will improve the look of the place, since the two old big windows are aluminum (yuck) and the bathroom window is original (less yuck, but still yuck). These new windows will be a serious upgrade. Right now some of our glass has cracks, there are huge gaps around the sides and bottoms of the windows, and they only have single paned glass. The new windows should keep out bugs, sound, and the weather. Last night I could clearly hear the neighbors in the building across the alley playing their Mexican inspired music. Not my first choice for late night entertainment.

We picked those specific windows because the big windows are the only aluminum ones and they look particularly bad, and the bathroom window will need to be easily opened because we have no bathroom fan. We picked three out of six windows instead of doing two, or even six, because Home Depot charges extra for anything under three new windows installed, and because doing three at a time is much more affordable than doing six!

Now the only problem is that a person not wielding a giant window can barely reach the window openings. This is mainly based on the fact that I have been painting the closet and everything is in the middle of the bedroom and living room floors. Time to get organizing!

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